Sunday, February 7, 2010

Formatting Dvd For Best Upconvert HD-DVD Vs BlueRay Is NOT VHS Vs BETA?

HD-DVD vs BlueRay is NOT VHS vs BETA? - formatting dvd for best upconvert

Why Sony and Disney have in the holiday season in an attempt to control our lives and the price of HD-DVD ruin? All the major film producers are willing to use a standard format for HD, but Sony intends to corner the market in HD designing their own format (BlueRay), owner of MGM, 20th Century and must be in bed with Disney. It is more dangerous in my mind that if Microsoft has the PC market because Microsoft still producing all content, including Apple computers taken over! If you want to pay inflated prices for HD, the rest of your life only with the Blu Ray go! Disney and Sony can KMA! I buy, what to HD-DVD upscaling and the rest of my standard DVDs. FYI - The others are the main producers of films in HD DVD. Do not respond to comparisons here please - I know that the specifications. With multiple levels, is the ability to become irrelevant and in HD-DVD, the minimum requirements are higher.
This season I will watch Transformers in HD, not the pirates !!!!!!!!!!! C.


Film Jedi said...

Format war stench. Everyone loses.

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